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This disclaimer is provided by Golden Lotus Healing.


It is essential that you carefully read and understand the contents of this disclaimer before engaging in any services provided by the business of Vanessa Osborne, which currently uses the names of Golden Lotus Healing and Coached By Vanessa

By proceeding with booking and engaging in coaching services, you acknowledge that you have fully read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions set forth in this disclaimer.


If you do not agree with any part of this Disclaimer, please refrain from booking coaching services.

By booking and engaging in coaching services, you acknowledge and agree to the following:


Nature and Limitations of Coaching Services:
You understand and acknowledge that coaching services provided by the business are designed to provide guidance, support, and assistance in your personal and professional development. Coaching does not constitute therapy, counselling, or legal or business advice.


Liability Waiver:
You release and hold harmless the business and their respective employees and representatives from any claims, damages, liabilities, or losses arising from your participation in coaching sessions or any actions taken based on the coaching services provided. You assume full responsibility for yourself, your own well-being, choices, and decisions.


Legal Action Location

In the event of any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with our services, such dispute or claim must be submitted exclusively to the courts of England. This condition is in accordance with our insurance and booking policies.

If you do not agree to these terms, please do not proceed further with our services


Personal Responsibility:
You understand and agree that you are fully responsible for your own well-being, choices, and decisions. The coaching process is designed to empower and support you in achieving your goals, but the ultimate responsibility lies with you.


Confidentiality and Technology Risks:
You understand and acknowledge that the use of technology, including email, social media messages, voice notes, Zoom, and other platforms, may not always be completely secure. You accept the risks associated with the confidentiality of communication using these technologies. While your coach will make reasonable efforts to maintain confidentiality, you understand that there are inherent risks and you agree to take responsibility for any such risks.


Suggestions and Personal Responsibility:
During coaching calls, your coach may offer suggestions to support your growth and development. You understand that these suggestions are solely intended as guidance and that you have the freedom to decide whether to act upon them. Any actions taken based on these suggestions are undertaken with your own free will and you agree to assume full responsibility for yourself and your actions. You understand that the coach and the business will not be held liable for any decisions or outcomes resulting from your own choices.


Individual Results:
You understand that coaching results vary and are dependent on various factors, including my individual effort level and circumstances. Any testimonials or success stories provided by others are not guarantees of the same or similar results for yourself. You acknowledge that your results are fully within your control, and You will not hold the coach or the business accountable for any differences in outcomes.


Testimonials and Confidentiality:
You acknowledge that the coaching relationship is built upon open and honest communication. You understand that your coach may use challenges you have faced, and the strategies employed to overcome them as part of client success stories shared on social media platforms. These success stories aim to provide valuable insights to individuals considering working with the coach. However, your coach will not disclose your personal identity in these posts.

Additionally, you may be invited to provide a testimonial to go on the website.  It is entirely your choice whether to participate in such activities and the level of detail you wish to include. You will be asked to leave you first name and county on the review. You can opt to be anonymous if you would prefer.


When you submit review on sites like Google Business listings, or social media platforms, it is important to note that reviews will not be anonymous and may be linked to your user profile.


Unregulated Industry:
For legal purposes, you understand and accept that coaching is currently an unregulated industry in the United Kingdom. Despite the coaching sessions taking place within the UK or Europe, you understand that Vanessa Osborne, operates as a self-employed professional within her UK business. 

While Vanessa Osborne of the business holds various holistic and mindset-style diplomas, including a life coaching diploma, and demonstrates a commitment to continuous professional development, it is important to acknowledge that coaching is an unregulated profession. Please note that the lack of regulatory licensing does not diminish the value or effectiveness of coaching services offered. Many skilled and reputable coaches operate successfully within this unregulated framework. 


Confidentiality and Exceptions:
You understand and acknowledge that your coach is committed to upholding confidentiality within the boundaries of the law. However, it is crucial to be aware that there are limited circumstances in which confidentiality may be breached. While such instances are exceptionally rare, it is necessary to clarify the exceptions to confidentiality.

In the event that you disclose information to your coach regarding illegal activity, abuse, neglect, or if you threaten to harm the coach, the business or others, your coach may face a difficult decision. Under such circumstances, your coach will carefully evaluate the risk associated with maintaining confidentiality and may determine that the potential harm outweighs the duty of confidentiality.


If your coach reasonably believes that maintaining confidentiality poses a risk of harm, your coach will exercise their best judgment and make a decision in best interest. This may involve disclosing pertinent information to appropriate emergency services or local government agencies to ensure the safety and well-being of all parties involved.



By proceeding with booking and engaging in coaching services, you acknowledge that you have fully read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions set forth in this disclaimer.


If you do not agree with any part of this Disclaimer, please refrain from booking coaching services.


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