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Golden Lotus Healing

My top 5 tips to get that good energy flowing

Are you feeling lethargic and maybe a bit fed up?

Here are my top 5 tips for getting that good energy flowing through your body again.

1. Shake off that stagnant energy from your energy field– Stand or sit and just shake your body, do this for 10 seconds and repeat a few times, you will be laughing in no time.

2. Take a slightly cooler shower than normal and as the water hits your skin, say out loud, 'I release this stagnant energy from my body' and envision a grey mist leaving your body and going down the plug, then envision yourself in beautiful white protective light.

3. You might find that tips 1 & 2 are enough but if you want to do more, then I recommend you channel your inner Mrs Hinch and get cleaning. Clean the room you spend the most time in. In Feng Shui they recommended you to move 22 items to help with energy flow.

4. Get an early night or take a nap, sometimes you just need to sleep. Never under estimate the power of a little extra sleep now and then.

5. Take some exercise, do something you enjoy. Dance in your home, walk in nature, go to the gym or a yoga class. Do what you like, not what you feel you should do.

I hope these tips help you, they certainly work for me.

Love & vitality,


The ‘I Can’ Coach - Mindset & Confidence Coach helping women to see their worth and value by overcoming limiting beliefs and stepping into the happiest, most confident version of themselves.


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